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CIS 527

Virtualization & Operating Systems

How a Computer Works
Simple Version

Image Source: VMWare


Image Source: VMWare

Types of Virtualization

Image Source: VMWare

Image Source: VMWare

Old & Busted

New Hotness

VMWare Workstation

Other Virtual Machines

Cloud Providers

Operating Systems

Image Source: Wikipedia and Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

Image Source: Wikipedia

Windows History

Image Source: Wikipedia

Image Source: Wikipedia

Windows NT Startup

Windows 10 Startup

Ubuntu History

Image Source: Wikipedia

What is Linux?

Linux History

Linux History

Major Ubuntu Components

Filesystem Layout

Configuration Files

Other Stuff

Ubuntu Boot Process

Ubuntu Boot Process

OS Installation

  1. Partition the disk
  2. Copy installation files
  3. Extract & install
  4. Configure basic settings
  5. Reboot

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