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CIS 527
Applications in The Cloud
Applications in the Cloud
Three Types:
- S(oftware)aaS - You use their software
- P(latform)aaS - You host your own software on their platform
- I(nfrastructure)aaS - You host your own software and platform on their systems
Software as a Service
- Examples?
- Pros?
- Cons?
- Best Uses?
- Worst Uses?
Platform as a Service
- Examples?
- Pros?
- Cons?
- Best Uses?
- Worst Uses?
Infrastructure as a Service
- Examples?
- Pros?
- Cons?
- Best Uses?
- Worst Uses?
- Email
- Human Resources Data
- Public-Facing Static Website
- Internal Wiki
- Customer Portal & Data
- Small startup
- Medium scaling back
- Medium growing
- Fortune 500
- School
- Hospital
- Lab 5 - The Cloud: Due Monday 4/4 11:30 AM