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CIS 527
Configuration & Networking in The Cloud
Setting Up a Cloud System
- Size & Scale
- Region
- Private Networking
- SSH Keys
- Pre-built Images
Configuration in the Cloud
- Root Login
- Create New Root User
- SSH Keys & Configure SSH
- Firewall
- Swap
NTP Round-Trip Calculation
Image Source: Wikipedia
Helpful Commands
- top & htop
- glances
- df -h
- du -sh
- netstat -peanut
- w
Helpful Commands
- uptime
- free
- find & grep
- lsof
- last
- wget
- scp
DNS in the Cloud
- Register a Name
- Set up Nameservers
- Through Name Registrar
- Through Hosting Provider
- Self-Hosted DNS
- Set up DNS Records
- Get Coffee & Wait a While!
Sidenote: Dynamic DNS
- Some DNS services provide this (but not all)
- Register a Domain Name that "floats"
- Typically a subdomain (host)
- Software on your server updates DNS record when IP changes
- Handy for home servers
- Lab 5 - The Cloud: Due Monday 4/4 11:30 AM