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CIS 225

Monitoring & Backups


Image Source: walkn on Flickr

Backup Strategies

Backup Strategies

Who Owns the Data

What data must be Stored

When backups should be made

Where backups should be stored

Where backups should be stored

Where backups should be stored

Where backups should be stored

Where backups should be stored

Source: Wikipedia

Why data loss occurs

How should it be created?

Source: Wikipedia


"Just a pile of CDs"

Full Image

Contains a complete copy of all files


Only store changes since last full/incremental backup


Only store changes since last full backup

Reverse Delta

Most recent backup is a full; all previous are based on most recent


Day Incremental Differential
Sun Full Full
Mon Since Sun Since Sun
Tue Since Mon Since Sun
Wed Since Tues Since Sun
Thu Since Wed Since Sun
Fri Since Thu Since Sun
Sat Since Fri Since Sun


Instantly back-up any changes made

Windows File History

DriveImage XML

Ubuntu Deja-Dup



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