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Welcome to
CIS 225
Personal Computer Systems Administration
Instructor: Russell Feldhausen
- Office: 212 Nichols Hall
- Email: russfeld AT ksu DOT edu
- Office Phone: (785) 532-7929
- Mobile Phone: (785) 292-3121 (Google Voice)
- Office Hours: MW 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Email is
definitely the best method!
Teaching Assistants:
- Steven Blits - sblits AT ksu DOT edu
- Kevin Dice - kmdice AT ksu DOT edu
Icebreaker Activity:
- Find a partner
- Learn a little about your partner (name, home, interests, hobbies, etc.)
- Be prepared to introduce your partner
- Come up with questions to ask the instructor to learn more about him
Syllabus: Read these topics later
- Course Objectives
- Major Course Topics
- Academic Honesty
- Students with Disabilities
- Expectations for Classroom Conduct
- Campus Safety
Course Structure:
Typical Lecture Period:
- 30-45 minutes lecture material
- 30-45 minutes hands-on time
- New lab to complete each week
- 2 exams + a comprehensive final
- 60% Lab Assignments
- 11 labs total, 10 graded (drop 1)
- Each lab is 6% of total
- Some extra credit will be available
- 40% Exams
- 10% Exam 1
- 10% Exam 2
- 20% Final Exam (Comprehensive)
Letter Grades:
- 90% - 100% - A
- 80% - 89.99% - B
- 70% - 79.99% - C
- 60% - 69.99% - D
- 00% - 59.99% - F
My philosophy: do your work completely, turn it in on time, and you should have no issues getting a 'B'.
Late work: 10% of the possible points will be deducted for each day it is late.
Make arrangements with the instructor if extenuating circumstances arise.
(He really is a nice guy and will help you out if needed!)
Course Textbooks: none!
Optional: Purchase a subscription to Safari Books Online. It should cost around $15 per month ($75 for the semester). That site has good material.
Optional: A nice USB 3.0 hard drive to store / turn in projects is highly recommended.
Subject to Change
The material in this class is very new!
Things may change quickly
Image Credit: Vantaj on DeviantArt
A system administrator is a professional practitioner of IT Administration, which is concerned mainly with the design, construction, and maintenance of computer systems and networks.
Similar titles for the same position include IT systems administrator, systems administrator, or sysadmin. - Wikipedia
The Basics:
- Hardware
- Operating Systems
- Software
- Scripting
- Networking
- Security
Communication Skills:
- Technical Documentation
- End User Documentation
- Purchase Requisitions
- End User Support
- Working with Executives
- Describing Technical Tasks, Simply
IT Management:
- Duties of a Sysadmin
- System Design
- Change Management
- Monitoring
- Problem Prevention
- Interview Real Sysadmins
Cool Stuff:
- Build your own Computer
- Work with Virtual Machines
- Set up a Server in the Cloud
- Easily Share Files between Computers
- Get Certified*
- Get a Job*
* Optional, but you'll have the requisite skills
Why should I learn this stuff?
What careers are out there?
Network Administrator
Image Credit: Wikipedia
How can I learn all of this stuff?
Lab Activities
Online Resources