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CIS 115

What is Computing Science?



How can we make things:

What is a Computer?

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Image from Wikimedia Commons

John Napier - log        Jacob Bernoulli - e

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Divided Differences

Sir Isaac Newton

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Divided Differences

P(x) = 2x2 - 3x + 2

x    P(x) D1(x) D2(x)
0 2 -1 4
1 1 3 4
2 4 7 *4*
3 11 *11* 4
4 *22* 15 4
5 37 19 4

Computer (noun):
A person who makes calculations

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Difference Engine

Image from Wikimedia Commons

Analytical Engine

Image from Wikimedia Commons

Input Cards

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The Mill

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The Store

Image from Wikimedia Commons

Father of the Modern Computer


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