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CIS 115


Image Source: Wikipedia

Image Source: Wikipedia

What is a Robot?

What is a Robot?

Any real or artificial agent acting in an autonomous or semi-autonomous fashion and is controlled by some electronic or mechanical device

Unimate - 1961

Image Source: PRS Robots

Industrial Robots - 1983

Image Source: Wikipedia

Space Exploration

Image Source: Wikipedia

Robot Uses

Robot Uses

Almost Everywhere!

Discussion Time

Which jobs do you think will be performed by robots in the next 50 years?

Difficulty: Try to list jobs no one else will think of!

Discussion Time

Which jobs will NOT be performed by robots in the next 50 years?


Difficulty: Try to list jobs no one else will think of!


Blog 8 - Where do I go from Here?

Now that you know a little bit more about Computing Science, it’s time to look into the future. Write about what areas of computing science are most interesting to you and which ones you’d like to learn more about.

Activity - Robots!


Installing Enchanting

Download and install on a laptop

Getting Started


Tells the program you are done describing the robot and are ready to begin giving it directions


Writing Programs

Make sure you include Stop All

Running Programs

Robot Tasks

  1. Park in garage
  2. Make 2 laps on track before going off course
    • Bonus: Make as many laps as you can before going off course
  3. Make 2 laps and start/stop on finish line