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CIS 115

Lecture 2: Teams, Projects, and Success

Icebreaker Activity:

  1. Create a resume for your team as if your team were a single person
  2. List relevant items from each team member in every section
  3. Try to show ALL the skills and expertise your team can use

Teamwork Tips

Team Projects:

  1. Video Project
  2. Topic Research
  3. Wiki Article

Choose team lead(s) for each project. Each person must lead or co-lead 1 project.

Video Project

  1. Research topic
  2. Storyboard Ideas
  3. Gather Materials
  4. Edit and finalize video (3-5 min.)

Due: Feb. 27th

Topic Research

  1. Understand topic
  2. Research, research, research
  3. Locate resources for wiki article
  4. At least 5 per team member
  5. Present to the class (9-12 min.)

Due: April 3rd
Presentations: April 7,9,14

Suggested Resources

Suggested Resources

Sample Bibliography

Use or similar if needed

Wiki Article

  1. Continue research
  2. Write rough draft
  3. At least 1000 words per team mem.
  4. Revise, revise, revise
  5. Submit final version online

Rough Draft Due: April 24th
Final Version Due: May 8th

Wiki Article Tips

Sample Wikis

Note: Do not assume these are examples of our expectation of good work. They are simply what was submitted in prior semesters.


Plagiarism: What it is
and Why it matters

K-State Honor Code Tips

Since Spring 2013:

Online Blogs

Online Blog Software

Submitting your Blog

  1. Submit your Blog's URL via K-State Canvas assignments
  2. Publish your first article on your blog
  3. Submit the Article's URL EACH WEEK via K-State Canvas
    • OK: You'll get a grade
    • Problems: TA will email you

Blog 1: Personal Biography

Tell us a little about yourself. This is your chance to let us know who you are and what interests you. Some questions you can answer to get you started are below, but feel free to be as creative and expressive as possible introducing yourself.
