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CIS 115

Lecture 19: Computer Graphics

Steve Russell & PDP-1

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

Image Source: Wikipedia

René Descartes

Image Source: Wikipedia

Cartesian Coordinates

Image Source: Wikipedia

Display Coordinates


Image Source: Wikipedia

3D Graphics

Image Source: Wikipedia



  1. 1 → 2
  2. 2 → 3
  3. 3 → 4
  4. 4 → 1
  5. 5 → 2
  6. 6 → 7
  7. 7 → 8
  8. 8 → 5
  9. 1 → 5
  10. 2 → 6
  11. 3 → 7
  12. 4 → 8


  1. 1,1,1
  2. 1,-1,1
  3. -1,-1,1
  4. -1,1,1
  5. 1,1,-1
  6. 1,-1,-1
  7. -1,1,-1
  8. -1,-1,-1



Image Source: Wikipedia

Perspective Projection

Image Source: Wikipedia

Perspective Projection

Image Source: Wikipedia

Ray Tracing

Image Source: Wikipedia

Ray Tracing

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

Image Source: Romain Vergne

Graphics Processor

Image Source: Wikipedia

Mapping 1 - Textures

Apply details to simple structures

Image Source: Eduard Groller & Stephan Jeschke

Mapping 2 - Shadows

Image Source: Wikipedia

Mapping 3 - Reflections

Image Source: Wikipedia

Mapping 4 - Transparency

Screendoor or Alpha Blending

Image Source: TU Wien and Stack Overflow

Mapping 5 - Bump Mapping

Image Source: Wikipedia

Mapping 6 - Displacement Mapping

Image Source: Wikipedia

Computer Animation

Image Source: Wikipedia

Uncanny Valley

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

Voxel Example

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia


  • Read and be prepared to discuss:
    • BITS Chapter 2: Naked in the Sunlight
  • Blog 9 - Computer Graphics Overload - Due 4/6 10:00 PM
  • Topic Research Project - Due 4/3 10:00 PM
  • Scratch Mars Rover - Due 4/21 10:00 PM

Blog 9: Computer Graphics Overload

Mainstream media is infatuated with computer graphics. Blockbuster movies, triple-A video games, and even local news programs make great use (or even overuse) of the latest advances in computer graphics. Choose your favorite medium or genre, and write about how computer graphics have changed things in the last 50 year. Show us some examples of what it was like before computer graphics were the norm, and then illustrate the progression from then to now. Feel free to be creative and include pictures or video to illustrate your examples.

Drawing in Scratch

  • y = x
  • y = 2x
  • y = x2
  • y = sin(x)
  • Hexagon?
  • Octogon?

Scratch Spirograph

Image Source: Wikipedia

Spirograph Math

Image Source: Wikipedia

Spirograph Math