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CIS 115

Lecture 3: Early Computing Machines


Image Source: Wikipedia

Slide Rule

Image Source: Wikipedia

What should a computer do?


Image Source: Wikipedia

Leibniz Wheel

Image Source: Wikipedia

Jacquard Loom

Image Source: Wikipedia

Charles Babbage

Image Source: Wikipedia

Babbage's Autobiography

Image Source: Google Books

Difference Engine (1823)

Image Source: Computer History Museum

Analytical Engine

Image Source: Wikipedia

Compute Values - The Mill

Image Source: Wikipedia

Accept Input - Punch Cards

Image Source: Wikipedia

Store Data - The Store

Image Source: Wikipedia

Output Data - The Printer

Image Source:


Blog 1: Personal Biography

Tell us a little about yourself. This is your chance to let us know who you are and what interests you. Some questions you can answer to get you started are below, but feel free to be as creative and expressive as possible introducing yourself.

Scratch Cheat Sheet

  2. Download Starter File (KSOL)
  3. Enter short descriptions for what each block does in the table. Make sure you test them so you know how they work
  4. Submit completed sheet via KSOL

Due: Feb 5th, 10:00 PM