INPUT: a two-word phrase of form, "Word1 Word2"
OUTPUT: an AnswerList, a list of the numbers of the Web pages that
contain the phrase
(0. The AnswerList starts with nothing saved in it.)
1. Extract from the table the list of Page#-Position# pairs for Word1. Call it List1.
2. Extract from the table the list of Page#-Position# pairs for Word2. Call it List2.
3. For each page#-pos# pair in List1,
search List2 to see if there is a pair, page#-(pos#+1).
(that is, the page# is the same and pos# differs by +1)
if yes, then include page# in the AnswerList.
if no, then ignore this pair.
4. Announce all the page numbers in AnswerList
Simulate, Don't Calculate!
Image Source: 9 Algorithms that Changed the Future by John MacCormick
Find all paths with length < 5, calculate percentage of times each one appears (count appearances / total paths)
Blog 6: Computing Science & Mathematics
As we embark on reading the last textbook, it should be very obvious by now that mathematics is a core aspect of Computing Science. In fact, most Computing Science departments and disciplines have a direct foundation in the study of mathematics. Here’s a good quote summing it up from Harold Abelson: “Mathematics provides a framework for dealing precisely with notions of "what is". Computation provides a framework for dealing precisely with notions of "how to".” For this article, write about how Computing Science and Mathematics are related. (Food for thought - Read up on Theoretical Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.) Things you can talk about:
- What mathematical concepts are you most interested in? How do they relate to Computing Science?
- Which algorithms do you think are most closely tied to mathematics? Which ones only make sense when applied to a computer?
- What areas of theoretical computer science do you find most interesting? Why are those interesting to you?
- What have you read in the textbooks so far that relates closely to mathematics?
- Who are some major historical figures that are important to both mathematics and Computing Science? Why do you think they are important in both fields?