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CIS 115
How the Internet Works
7 Layer OSI Network Model
Network - IPv4
IPv4 Packet Structure | |
Version Info | Length |
Packet ID | Flags & Offset |
Protocol & TTL | Checksum |
Source IP Address | |
Destination IP Address | |
Data... |
IPv4 vs. IPv6
IPv4: 32 bit Addresses
232 = 4,294,967,296
IPv6: 128 bit Addresses
2128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,
or 340 Undecillion addresses
Image Source: XKCD
Transport - TCP
TCP Packet Structure | |
Source Port | Dest. Port |
Sequence Number | |
Acknowledgement Number | |
Options | Length |
Checksum | Urgent |
Data... |
Transport - UDP
UDP Packet Structure | |
Source Port | Dest. Port |
Length | Checksum |
Data... |
Connection Oriented | Connectionless |
Reliable | Unreliable |
Acknowledge | No Acknowledge |
Domain Name System (DNS)
"Phonebook for the Internet"
Image Source: Wikipedia
Image Source: Wikipedia
HTTP Commands
HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes
Blog 4: The Filter Bubble
The Filter Bubble ( is a phenomenon on the internet where personalized algorithms present users only with information or opinions that match her or his own thoughts. Because of this, internet users can become isolated in their own little worlds, where everything they see and hear agrees with an reinforces their own ideals and belief. For this blog post, we want you to challenge yourself a bit to see exactly what others are seeing. Here's what we'd like you to do:
Write about your experiences and what you find. Make sure you reference back to the textbooks and other websites to help you explain why this is happening.
Packet Switching Activity
DHCP Request
DHCP Response
DNS Lookup
DNS Response
HTTP Request
HTTP Response