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CIS 115
How the Internet Works
7 Layer OSI Network Model
Network - IPv4
IPv4 Packet Structure | |
Version Info | Length |
Packet ID | Flags & Offset |
Protocol & TTL | Checksum |
Source IP Address | |
Destination IP Address | |
Data... |
IPv4 vs. IPv6
IPv4: 32 bit Addresses
232 = 4,294,967,296
IPv6: 128 bit Addresses
2128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,
or 340 Undecillion addresses
Image Source: XKCD
Transport - TCP
TCP Packet Structure | |
Source Port | Dest. Port |
Sequence Number | |
Acknowledgement Number | |
Options | Length |
Checksum | Urgent |
Data... |
Transport - UDP
UDP Packet Structure | |
Source Port | Dest. Port |
Length | Checksum |
Data... |
Connection Oriented | Connectionless |
Reliable | Unreliable |
Acknowledge | No Acknowledge |
Domain Name System (DNS)
"Phonebook for the Internet"
Image Source: Wikipedia
Image Source: Wikipedia
HTTP Commands
HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes
Blog 8: How has the Internet Influenced You?
The internet has been a major force in our lives for several decades now. Write about how the internet has influenced you as a person. Try and think about ways that you would be a different person if you didn’t have the internet. Things you can think about:
Packet Switching Activity
DHCP Request
DHCP Response
DNS Lookup
DNS Response
HTTP Request
HTTP Response