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CIS 115
Lecture 2: Teams, Projects, and Success
Icebreaker Activity:
Teamwork Tips
Team Projects:
Video Project
Due: Oct. 3rd
Topic Research
Due: October 31st
Presentations: Nov. 4, 6 and 11
Suggested Resources
Suggested Resources
Textbook Section
Rough Draft Due: Nov. 21st
Final Version Due: December 12th
Textbook Section Tips
Sample Textbook Sections
Note: Do not assume these are examples of our expectation of good work. They are simply what was submitted in prior semesters.
Plagiarism: What it is
and Why it matters
Since Spring 2013:
Online Blogs
Online Blog Software
Submitting your Blog
Blog 1: Personal Biography
Tell us a little about yourself. This is your chance to let us know who you are and what interests you. Some questions you can answer to get you started are below, but feel free to be as creative and expressive as possible introducing yourself.
Scratch Cheat Sheet
Due: In Class 9/2