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CIS 115

Lecture 16: The History
of the Internet

The Problem

Image Source: Wikipedia

J.C.R. Licklider

Image Source: Wikipedia

J.C.R Licklider

"A network of such [computers], connected to one another by wide-band communication lines [which provided] the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval and [other] symbiotic functions."

J.C.R. Licklider - 1960
Man-Computer Symbiosis

Intergalactic Computer Network

Leonard Kleinrock

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

October 29, 1969 - First Post!

Image Source: Wikipedia

Lots of Networks


Image Source: Wikipedia

Vinton Cerf   Robert Kahn   Pres. Bush

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

The Internet (1985)

Image Source: Wikipedia

The World Wide Web

Image Source: Wikipedia

Tim Berners-Lee

Image Source: Wikipedia

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Early Browsers - Mosaic

Image Source: Wikipedia

Early Browsers - Lynx

Image Source: Wikipedia

Early Browsers - Line Mode

Image Source: CERN

Commercial Web (1996 - 1999)

Image Source: Tasty Placement

Commercial Web (1996 - 1999)

Image Source: Tasty Placement

Dot-Com Boom (1999 - 2001)

Image Source: Wikipedia

Dot-Com Bust

The Internet Today


Blog 7: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

The fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics have made huge strides in the past few years. However, they still haven’t reached a point where they will overtake humans in terms of overall skill and intelligence. That event, sometimes referred to as the “technological singularity” is a subject of great debate. Some believe it could happen as early as 2040 or even sooner, others believe that it will never truly be possible. Many debate what the world would be like after such an event. Movies such as The Terminator and The Matrix have shown truly dystopian futures as a result of the singularity. Write about your thoughts relating to the possibility of a technological singularity and what the world might be like in the future. The Wikipedia article on Technological Singularity is a good reference. Here are some starting points:

Mars Rover

Mars Rover AI