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CIS 115
Lecture 14: Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Image Source: Wikipedia
Alan Turing
"I propose to consider the question, 'Can machines think?'" - Turing, 1950
Image Source: Wikipedia
Strong AI vs. Weak AI
Neural Network Activity
Artificial Intelligence Today
Other Uses
Almost Everywhere!
What we talked about
What we didn't talked about
Blog 5: Computer Systems in Daily Life
We interact with a variety of computer systems on a daily basis, but most of the time we don’t take the time to think about where they came from and how they work. Choose a computer system you see in your everyday life and write about it and its history. Tell us how it works and how it affects us in our daily life. A simple example would be the keycard entry systems at the K-State dorms and the engineering labs. Some questions to ask yourself while you are doing your research:
Scratch Stoplight
Stoplight FSM
Stoplight Project