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CIS 115

Lecture 13: Embedded Systems & Finite State Machines

Tyranny of Numbers

For some time now, electronic man has known how 'in principle' to extend greatly his visual, tactile, and mental abilities through the digital transmission and processing of all kinds of information. However, all these functions suffer from what has been called 'the tyranny of numbers.' Such systems, because of their complex digital nature, require hundreds, thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of electron devices.

-Jack Morton - 1957
VP of Bell Labs

Jack Kilby

Image Source: Wikipedia

Integrated Circuit

Image Source: Wikipedia

Robert Noyce

Image Source: Wikipedia

Intel Founders

Andy Grove, Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore (1978)

Image Source: Wikipedia

Moore's Law

Image Source: Wikipedia

Intel 4004

Image Source: Wikipedia


Image Source: Wikipedia

Finite State Machine

Image Source: Wikipedia

Moore Machine

Image Source:

Ouput depends only on state
Each state can only have 1 set of outputs

Mealy Machine

Image Source:

Ouput depends on inputs and state
Each state can have multiple sets of outputs

Finite State Machine Examples

  1. Elevator Control System
  2. Vending Machine
  3. Baseball At-bat
  4. Starting a Car
  5. Pinball Machine
  6. Store Self-Checkout
  7. ATM Withdrawl
  8. Keypad Security Lock
  9. Paper-Rock-Scissors Game
  10. Changing a Tire


Blog 5: Computer Systems in Daily Life

We interact with a variety of computer systems on a daily basis, but most of the time we don’t take the time to think about where they came from and how they work. Choose a computer system you see in your everyday life and write about it and its history. Tell us how it works and how it affects us in our daily life. A simple example would be the keycard entry systems at the K-State dorms and the engineering labs. Some questions to ask yourself while you are doing your research:

Stoplight FSM

Stoplight Project